SME4SPACE is organising a Webinar on “The Legal Aspects of the Consortium Management of ESA Projects”. The Webinar will be on 22nd November 2023 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am (CEST).
The Webinar will be held by SME4SPACE Chairman, Hans Bracquené, who is a legal counsel with extensive experience in legal aspects of ESA contracts and consortium management.
During this Webinar, the major topics a consortium manager is confronted with will be discussed whereby the ESA General Clauses and Conditions and contract template for subcontracting will be the guidelines.
As the Webinar wants to give a general overview (leaving a more in-depth analysis to further courses) it addresses itself to both legal practitioners and to management.
Registration Specifications
The registration is free and open to any European (both ESA and EU) Space SME and it will be “on a first come, first served” basis. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and the details to join the Webinar.