Space Partnership – Memorandum of Understanding signed

On September 10, 2024, the European Commission signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SPACE aisbl to increase the involvement of the private sector in the programming of Horizon Europe as of 2025.

From left to right: Jean-Charles Treuet, SPACE aisbl President and Eurospace Head of Technology Strategy; Timo Pesonen, Director General of DG DEFIS; Marc Lemaître, Director General of DG RTD.

Under the co-programmed European Partnership for Globally Competitive Space Systems (“Space Partnership”), €100 million of EU-funding will be allocated to the topics proposed by the private sector in the domains of satellite communication, Earth observation and new space transportation systems. The private partners are expected to contribute an additional €120 million through in-kind support.

SME4SPACE is thrilled to contribute to the success of the space partnership by supporting the space SME community to identify key research priorities and to increase their competitiveness.

With this signature, the SPACE aisbl, established in 2024, will work with the European Commission to connect and strengthen European space industry, research institutes and policymakers.

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From left to right: Jean-Charles Treuet, SPACE aisbl President and Eurospace Head of Technology Strategy; Helge Pfeiffer, EASN Secretary General; Catalin Nae, ESRE Vice-Chair; Andy Court, EASTRO, President of the Board ; Timo Pesonen, Director General of DG DEFIS; Kris Vanderhauwaert, SME4Space EU Liaison Officer; Marc Lemaître, Director General of DG RTD