Author: Danai Bournou

2024 edition of the SME + Midcap Days and SME Forum
The 2nd edition of the SME + Midcap Days, including the SME Forum, will take place at ESA Headquarters in Paris on 8–9 April 2024. SMEs from ESA Member States, Associate States and Cooperating States are now invited to register to attend the in-person event […]

Annual Plan 2024
Below you may find the SME4SPACE Annual Plan for 2024 that provides a comprehensive overview of our past efforts and outlines the planned activities for the upcoming year. It includes a detailed summary of each activity and the relevant links for further engagement. The SME4SPACE Annual Plan 2024 is structured […]

ESA Calls for Proposals on end-to-end solutions contributing IRIS2
At SME4SPACE we are glad to share with you the following opportunities that in our view are one of the first results of our efforts of the last months in asking both ESA and the European Commission to be compliant with the IRIS2 regulation and to foresee and issue this type of calls.

ESA SME FORUM 2024 – Preparatory Meeting
DESCRIPTION The SME Forum is an annual consultation process organised by the ESA SME Office with the support of SME4SPACE, where Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) and their associations are invited to share their views and provide feedback about topics which affect their work with ESA and in the space sector in […]

Job Placement Scheme for SME4SPACE Members
For 2024, SME4SPACE will be responsible to ensure the success and effectiveness of the Job Placement scheme by offering a fixed number of internships through its network of company Members. […]

Digitalisation for commercial space solutions: a joint proposal for the Horizon Europe work programme 2025-2027
The SPACE AISBL (composed of SME4SPACE, Eurospace, ESRE, EASTRO and EASN) is thrilled to announce that after months working with supply chain stakeholders on the identification of key challenges for the European space competitiveness, a preliminary plan for the Globally Competitive Space Systems Co-Programmed European Partnership is being released.

USE IPM – Up-skilling researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Management
USE IPM is an EU funded H2020 project that activities are directed towards the improvement of the relations between academic institutions and non-academic sector in widening countries via implementing new practices for gaining benefits with sustainability justification, discovered during secondments to partner organizations in EU countries and screening of the […]

Internship in the ESA Office for Small and Medium Enterprises
ESA is Seeking an Intern to join the Directorate of Commercialisation, Industry, and Competitiveness. The role focuses on the economic analysis and characterization of space SMEs […]

SME4SPACE at Cluj-Napoca: Space Systems Engineering Workshop
SME4Space will participate on the 21st of November 2023, in the “Space Systems Engineering” Workshop that will take place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. The event is organised by SpaceTech, our Working Member in Romania. The primary subjects of the presentations will encompass […]

SME4SPACE along with 9 Flemish space actors, will be present at the Space Tech Expo Europe 2023. Engage with our team and learn how you can benefit your space endeavors.