Author: Danai Bournou

Presentation, abstract and full paper of SME4SPACE & KU Leuven study on “European Space SMEs’ Financial Viability: Insights And Policy Perspectives” – IAC Paris | September 2022
On September 21, during the 4th day of the International Astronautical Congress IAC 2022 in Paris, Prof. Marleen Willekens from KU Leuven and Hans Bracquené, SME4SPACE Chairman, presented the paper on the “European Space SMEs’ Financial Viability: Insights And Policy Perspectives” The study was conducted together with KU Leuven, with […]

Snapshots of SME4SPACE anniversary seminar at ESA Industry Space Days 2022
“11 years of supporting SMEs in Europe’s space industry” Last week, SME4SPACE celebrated its 11th anniversary of incorporation with a great seminar, centred on our SMEs and the space industry community. The session was moderated by SME4SPACE Chairman, Hans Bracquené, and took place in Noordwijk during ESA’s Industry Space Days (ISD) 2022. We […]

STARS*EU | Space Technology And Research Support
Fostering EU competitiveness, Reinforcing EU capacity to access space SME4SPACE is supporting the consortium of STARS*EU from the industry side for specific tasks among other partners. STARS*EU supports DG DEFIS in the following fields: For information on the project’s activity and news, follow the link of the website:

ESA & SME4SPACE: contribute to the definition of a Cubesat propulsion Handbook
We are delighted to announce that SME4SPACE has joined forces with ESA, to produce a Handbook with Engineering Guidelines for CubeSat propulsion in consultation with European Industry, Research Institutes and Organisation involved in the technology and main users of the technology. For this reason, SME4SPACE calls all the interested stakeholders […]

CHEOPS Low Power
CHEOPS Low Power is a H2020 European project that focuses on the design of different elements of the system of Hall Effect Thruster (HET) Low Energy Electric Propulsion. Electric propulsion provides relatively small thrust in a very efficient manner, compared to expensive chemical propellants which are the first and most […]

SAVE THE DATE | 28 September 2022 |11 years of supporting SMEs in Europe’s space industry
For 10+ 1 years since its incorporation SME4SPACE has been supporting SMEs in the European space industry. To celebrate this anniversary, we are delighted to announce our anniversary event, a seminar held at the ESA Industry Space Days: “11 years of supporting SMEs in Europe’s space industry” WHEN: 28 September […]

First results of the SME4SPACE survey on the implications of the war in Ukraine on SMEs of the European Space sector I May 2021
MORE THAN 50% OF THE SMEs WORKING IN SPACE ARE CONFRONTED WITH THE EFFECTS OF UKRAINIAN WAR SME4SPACE has the first batch of responses of the ‘’Consequences of the geopolitical situation to Space SMEs’’ and we are starting to extract some interesting findings. First results indicate, with no surprise, that […]

CHEOPS Medium Power
ABOUT CHEOPS Medium Power project CHEOPS Medium Power is a H2020 European project that focuses on the design of different elements of the system of Hall Effect Thruster (HET) of Medium Energy Electric Propulsion. In preparation of future missions of telecommunication satellites in geostationary or medium earth orbit, either to […]

The recent conflict in Ukraine and the ensuing sanctions disrupted the space ecosystem where the space entities are again facing a crisis. Both ESA and the European Commission reached out to SME4SPACE and want to further discuss how to cope with this crisis and how to support the SMEs in […]