
ESA-STAR evaluation survey

Which is your experience with esa-star? ESA is asking for a few minutes of your time to let them know, by answering 25 simple questions, what you think of esa-star, what you like, as well those features you believe could be improved or changed. Click here, to complete the survey […]

Europe’s largest project for digitisation of industry

SME4SPACE is glad to announce that its Member Jotne EPM Technology (NO) will coordinate the Norwegian part of Europe’s largest project for solutions in automation and digitisation for the industry. Arrowhead Tools has a budget of EUR 91 million and 81 participants, among them some of Europe’s largest companies such […]

Register for the European SpaceTech Transfer Forum 2019 – Warsaw 25th April 2019

SME4SPACE supports the organisation of the European Space Tech Transfer Forum (ESTTF) 2019 that will take place on April 25th, 2019 in Warsaw (Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT, 19 Poleczki Street).     ESTTF is an international event dedicated to space technologies transfer in both aspects – inside and outside the […]

SME4SPACE supports ESA SME Initiative

SME4SPACE is supporting ESA SME Office through an ESA direct contract (SPACE-SME-UP, ESA Contract n. 4000126940/19/F/MOS) in order to implement ESA SME policy.

Deep sorrow for the loss of Prof. Sebastiano Tusa, Cultural Heritage Councilor of the Sicily Region

SME4SPACE is deeply sorrowful and shocked for the news that Prof. Sebastiano Tusa, Cultural Heritage Councilor of the Sicily Region (Italy), and former head of Sicilian Region Authority for the Maritime Cultural Heritage, died yesterday (10th March 2019) in the crashed airplane that was going from Addis Abeba (Ethiopia) to Nairobi […]

ESA Harmonisation process: 2019 Technical Dossiers

Through SME4SPACE is possible to receive the Technical Dossiers (TD) relative to the 2019 cycles of  the ESA Harmonisation process: First cycle 2019: Chemical Propulsion – Micropropulsion Composite Materials Cryogenics and Focal Plane Cooling Electrochemical Energy Storage Power Management and Distribution Second cycle 2019: Big Data from Space (BDFS) Fluid […]

Training opportunities for SME from ESA SME Office in 2019

The ESA SME Office organises and supports various training courses for SMEs. Subjects covered take account of requests from SMEs, as well as the availability of ESA experts capable of delivering state-of-the-art knowledge and know-how. Where appropriate, organisations external to ESA are also engaged as a complementary source of expertise. […]

ESA Harmonisation process: available the first cycle 2019 Technical Dossiers

Through SME4SPACE is possible to receive the Technical Dossiers (TD) relative to the first cycle 2019 of  the ESA Harmonisation process: Chemical Propulsion – Micropropulsion Composite Materials Cryogenics and Focal Plane Cooling Electrochemical Energy Storage Power Management and Distribution Since 2015, SME4SPACE has been invited by ESA (as you can […]

Participate in the first Space Academy, scaleup your Start-up!

SME4SPACE partner of H2020 SpaceUp project (Grant Agreement n. 776356) is pleased to announce that the first Space Academy will be held on the 3-4 June 2019 in Helsinki, Finland, just before the Arctic15 conference coinciding and in collaboration with the EBAN Annual Congress. More information and details will be […]
