The consultation process for reviewing the draft list of the Critical space technologies for European Strategic Non-Dependence – JTF started. This draft list is based on the contributions received by different stakeholders (including SMEs) before the summer break and gathered by the JTF.
If you are a SME interested in participate in this process, please contact us and take note of the following opportunities:
SME4SPACE is organising 2 preparatory meetings. These meetings aim at providing an overview of the JTF process, supporting SMEs in contributing to this consultation, discussing and consolidating the received contributions and comments on the draft list of Critical Space Technologies to prepare the position of the SME to be presented and represented by SME4SPACE at the Mapping Meeting in ESTEC:
Feedback and Review: If you are interested in reviewing and commenting on the draft list of Critical Space Technologies for European Strategic Non-Dependence, please contact us at info@sme4space.org. We will share the draft list of the critical space technologies.
In-person Mapping Meeting: If you are available and would like to participate in the in-person Mapping Meeting that is scheduled on 4th October 2023 at ESA/ESTEC (The Netherlands), from 10:00 to 18:00 (CEST) to discuss the draft list of the Critical Space Technologies with all the other stakeholders, please inform us as soon as possible. The registration will close on 18th September noon and participation is possible only on invitation. Indeed, we will ask the JTF to send you a personal invite with the link to register for participating in the Mapping Meeting.
The objectives of the Mapping Meeting are to gather feedback from stakeholders on the ‘List of Critical Technology Dependencies’ and map the relevant activities and European capabilities. those who have previously expressed their interest or participated in the earlier exercise, we will reach out directly. You will receive a detailed document highlighting the technologies. Additionally, information regarding the registration for the in-person meeting on the 4th of October (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands) will be shared, alongside the draft agenda, once it becomes available from JTF.
For those unfamiliar with this initiative, the Joint Task Force (EC, ESA, EDA) is a consultation process that aims at gathering contributions from the European Stakeholders (including SMES) on Critical Space Technologies for European Strategic Non-Dependence. For further details on the JTF process, kindly refer to the following dedicated page within the SME4SPACE website.
Your input is invaluable to this process, and we encourage you to get involved. We remain at your disposal for any further information and clarifications. Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@sme4space.org.