The Hard Road to the Stars: Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs in the European Space Business
On Thursday, 21st November (13:00 – 14:00 CET) European SMEs (both start-ups and established SMEs) are invited to listen to a panel session organised by SME4SPACE (the European Panel of Space SME Associations), AKRK (German Space SME) and ESA (SME Office). SMEs on the panel will present: lessons learnt regarding experiences in the space business, incurred difficulties in acting or entering the space market (ESA/national/global), recommendations and expectations to improve a company’s sustainable involvement in space missions as well as individual experiences in developing products/services, highlighting key success factors (both internal and external).
Moderator Hans Bracquené, SME4SPACE Chairman
13:00 European
SMEs in ESA Activities: a Status Report
Jens Kauffmann,
Head of ESA SME Office
13:10 German
SME-policy from the Point-of-View of AKRK
Ernst K.
Pfeiffer, Spokesman AKRK
13:20 Lessons learnt from European Space SMEs
Alexander Reissner – CEO of Enpulsion (AT)
Jesus Marcos – R&D Director at Caelestia Technologies Group (NL)
Walter Ballheimer, CEO, German Orbital Systems (DE)
13:50 Conclusion
Hans Bracquené, SME4SPACE Chairman