SME4SPACE signs the ESA Zero Debris Charter

We are proud to announce that Hans Bracquene, SME4SPACE Chairman , was among the distinguished 40 signatories of the ESA Zero Debris Charter. This historic signing occurred todat June 6, 2024 at the ILA Berlin , where more than 40 companies, research centers, and international organisations came together to declare their commitment to the long-term sustainability of human activities in space.

SME4SPACE, as the representative organisation of SMEs in Europe’s Space Industry, strongly supports the Zero Debris Approach and Charter. We are deeply aware of the urgent necessity to preserve the orbits and to stimulate the adoption of Best Practices, Sustainable Behaviours and suitable technologies allowing us to perform our Space Activities without compromising the future utilisation and exploitation of the Space Resources. SMEs will contribute their innovative solutions to this overall European effort.

ESA Announcement: here

Our Chairman, Hans Bracquenรฉ , signed the Zero Debris Charter and represented SME4SPACE for the signature ceremony at ILA Berlin – Pioneering Aerospace.
More than 40 companies, research centres and international organisations signed the Zero Debris Charter at the Berlin International Airshow (ILA) today.