The space sector has been changing rapidly in the last decades. The arrival of new agile actors and disruptive technologies associated with the digital revolution of the economy results in a paradigm shift of its organisation. Equipped with the latest technological tools, private operators are claiming a more critical role in upstream and downstream segments. It is widely accepted that SMEs play an essential role in a developing sustainable European Space industry.
Because of the increasing relevance of SMEs for the activities of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the industrial base of its Member States, the second series of a survey is organised by SME4SPACE, with the support of the University of Leuven and the ESA SME Initiative. The desired outcome is to provide a run-through of upstream/downstream and space-related activities (use of space technology in other industries) for the period of 2015-2020.
By filling this questionnaire, you will actively contribute to a better understanding of the involvement of SMEs in European space and space-related activities. As a result, this survey will contribute to knowledge and represent the SME increasing share of the European space industrial landscape. In addition, it is a chance to get the best overview of the ecosystem and benefit the community with future opportunities and support to policy making for space SMEs.
To participate in the survey and to have more information, please follow this link:
The link will be active until 15 of December 2021.
If you need any further information or assistance, you can contact SME4SPACE at the following e-mail address: info@sme4space.org
With the support of ESA SME Initiatiative.