Under the framework of STARS*EU (Space Technology and Research Support EU – https://starseu.net/), a European Commission-funded project, SME4SPACE and ASD-Eurospace are conducting a survey to assess and analyse the situation of the European space industry workforce, its related skills and how it aligns with the training courses available for future space professionals.
The survey complements the report on skills and curricula for space professionals in Europe, performed by the project and it aims at:
- Identifying and assessing the current workforce/skills requirements of the European space industry
- Assess the relevance of the skillset and current curricula identified by the project
The survey will remain open until the end of November. To participate, click on the button below:
You can download and preview the survey before its completion by clicking the following link or the download button:
The results of this survey seek to evaluate the present policies and practices of graduate programs and to improve the integration of entry-level individuals into the industry field. In addition, the key findings of the survey will be published on the STARS*EU (starseu.net) website and will provide vital inputs to the operational modules of the STARS*EU project, thereby advancing the program.
STARS*EU is a project that supports DG DEFIS in the fields of education and skills for space in the EU, in the analysis of EU-funded space projects, and in the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the space sector. STARS*EU will contribute in the making of a consultation platform, to which you will be invited at a later stage, to support the inclusive and structured process established by the European Commission to elaborate a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). Finally. The project aims to make EU-funded space research more visible by supporting DG DEFIS and HaDEA in their communication activities.
In case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: info@sme4space.org.
We appreciate any help you can provide